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Important Announcement! On our Twitter Timeline (MESSAGE BOARD on the right sidebar) you will find people's requests for help, as well as donation offers and other important social information. Don't hesitate to check out the latest tweets, you will surely find something useful for yourself or an opportunity to help other wheelchair users.
Our team is glad to welcome you to the redesigned WheelchairAssistance site! Wheelchairs let people with disabilities to move around relatively easily and to lead an active and disengaged lifestyle. Everyone can find many diversetypes of wheelchairs to satisfy specific users' requirements, such as the electric wheelchair, power wheelchair, manual wheelchair. It is usually a chair set on wheels, which can be propelled either by hands o relectrically. Wheelchairs are a real blessing for the people with disabilities, they are invented to assure mobility to the individuals for whom walking is hard or impossible due to illness or from birth. A lot of inventions have been invented in the wheelchair area to make the life of people with disabilities more and more convenient. Please remember that Disabled just means differently-abled. These individuals are free to travel wherever they like with the help of wheelchairs. If you are looking for anti tips 16 manual wheelchair, than you are in the right place.
The wheel chair is a substantive necessity to the people with reduced mobility. It makes them feel free and self sufficient. If you are thinking to prefer a manual chair to a motorized one when you make your purchasing, it is surely because you can easily mark plenty of its specific advantages. First of all, it is lightweight, making it simplier to push. It is also much more easy to handle and transport. There is a huge variety of shapes and styles of manual wheelchairs available for sale nowadays. The choices are practically limitless, actually it is hard to make a decision on which one to pick. The manufacturers of manual wheel chairs that are the most popular include Invacare, Everest & Jennings, Sunrise Medical. You may also want to examine smaller tier wheelchair makers if you really want to keep your choices open. As they are not so popular, they would generally do their best to make sure their buyers are satisfied and happy.
Actually there are two basic types of wheelchairs available in stocks now: the electric powered and the manual ones. Clearly there are still different subcategories for each of them if you want to understand more deeply, but that will do to have a notion. It's clear that you have to spend your effort and time to define which wheel chair would be better for you - before you go and choose one. Read more about manual wheelchairs here.